The Launch of GNY's BSC Swapgate.

The BSC Swapgate is the latest tech innovation from the GNY team and is now live. This Swapgate allows users to seamlessly move tokens between GNY Mainnet and the Binance Smart Chain, taking advantage of low transaction costs on BSC.
Our team believes that machine learning can be a force for good to solve the world’s most pressing problems, but only if it is accessible, cost-effective and secure. These core values permeate all of GNY’s enhancements and marketplace decisions. The addition of the BSC Swapgate is designed to increase accessibility and cost-effectiveness to our token environment.
The GNY BSC Swapgate technology follows our successful swapgates facilitating migration from GNY ERC-20 tokens to GNY Mainnet tokens and GNY BEP-20 to GNY Mainnet tokens. In the future you can expect us to expand this technology even further to allow even more fluid exchange between additional trading environments.
The following linked PDF documents detail how to use both GNY’s BSC and ETH swapgate functions. Before attempting any swap please pay close attention to the swap tutorials and ensure your wallets have been bound together as per the “How to Bind” tutorials. Even if you have previously bound your wallets on the Ethereum Chain you are still required to bind on the Binance Smart Chain to facilitate GNY BEP20 token swaps.
Binance Smart Chain Swaps
How to bind a GNY Mainnet Wallet to a Binance Smart Chain enabled Metamask wallet
⚠️ Warning: Using the following swapgates without prior binding of Binance Smart Chain enabled Metamask wallet to a GNY wallet will result in the loss of your tokens ⚠️
How to swap GNY BEP20 Tokens to GNY Mainnet Tokens
How to swap GNY Mainnet Tokens to GNY BEP20 Tokens
Ethereum Chain Swaps
How to bind a GNY Mainnet Wallet to an Ethereum Chain enabled Metamask wallet
⚠️ Warning: Using the following swapgates without prior binding of an Ethereum chain enabled Metamask wallet to a GNY wallet will result in the loss of your tokens ⚠️
How to swap GNY ERC-20 Tokens to GNY Mainnet Tokens
How to swap GNY Mainnet Tokens to GNY ERC-20 Tokens
If you require help or technical support for any aspect of the GNY product you can log a request at the GNY Service Desk. From there your request for support will be handled by the member of the GNY team who has the most appropriate specialism to help you.